
App Redesign
Created in collaboration with Maria Ortiz
Our platform connects students and mentors through an easy-to-use interface. We offer a range of tools and resources to facilitate collaboration and goal-setting. Our platform is accessible to all who want to grow and learn.


4 weeks



Discovery Target Research Competitor Analysis Online Survey Interviews


Persona Building Discovery Problem Finding Our Solution


Logo directions User Journey Sitemap Wireframe sketch Flowchart

Final Step

Prototype user testing

It started with a conversation

The idea began with a conversation of what, who, why, and how. I wanted an app that could help struggling students like ourselves, so the initial idea was a premium local college mentorship. I express this idea to my partner and she like the idea very much.

This is the 🤓 Target Audience

My target audience will be local college community art majors, specifically graduates and alumni—who will serve as mentors—and current college students. The app will especially benefit fresh college graduates who are still looking for jobs or simply want to make extra money. Mentorships especially help college students who are either freshmen, transfers, or students who want a supportive figure in their academic life.

Market research

And while we were conceptualizing our app, issues with similar services were a lack of quality and affordable connection with students.

Survey Results

From the survey, the number of students who agreed that a mentor for their specific major would greatly help their academic life is greater than the number of students disagreeing. 53% said they would be interested in becoming a mentor, so our app is likely to be successful in real life. We also find out short meeting is better than a long time. A lot of students feel insecure in career paths. Most of them also want specific skills lessons.

Interview Persona

Based on the interviews’ findings, I created personas that express the main pain points of the users from the student perspective. Two of them are students from San Jose State University and a mentored graduate from San Jose State University.

Based on the survey and interviews, we discovered issues 😕from current students and graduates.

From the survey and interviews, I discovered problems of the student feeling insecure in college, and spending too much time learning design programs they may not even need. Students need to find quality help with their specific major and interests, while alumni have trouble finding a job or making money while retaining their skills and knowledge.

After analyzing these issues, I came up with a solution ✌️

PeerPath provides solutions to all of these problems as an app that brings students and mentors together. Mentors can earn money while students get high-quality help in a secure environment.

Logo Bainstorm

My partner and I brainstorm a lot of names for the logo. In the end, my partner came up with her final choice called “ One on One” And I came up, “PeerPath.”

Logo Design Directions

My partner designed her “One on One” logo design direction and I designed “PeerPath” logo design direction. My partner like my design, so we went with it. I also change up the color a bit to represent the meaning of the “PeerPath.” Yellow for happiness. Blue for trust. Purple for creativity. Also, I came with “PeerPath” because it has deep meaning. It represents the connection.

User Flow

After understanding what problem we are solving, I created a story for the user and build a flow diagram that will help us make a solution for the user.


At this point, we translated the steps from the flow into scratching screens. My partner has some sketches of what she wants the app to look like. I also did the same. I started sketching the layout frame by frame.

Proposing to Bloomberg Designers

During this project, I got a great chance to show me and my partner’s design to Bloomberg designers, Anthony Viviano, Linda Le, and Lucy Chen. It was a great honor to get feedback from professional designers working in the product design field.

Anthony Viviano

Senior Interaction Designer/Design Lead at Bloomberg LP

Linda Le

Senior UX Designer at Bloomberg LP

Lucy M. Chen

UX Designer at Bloomberg LP


Linda said, “ It’s kinda like a dating app but it’s choosing a mentor. Look into Dating App for reference.”

Lucy said, “ The idea is great. But there already mentoring app so think about what makes your app different and unique.”

Anthony said, “Do user research and ask around what users think. Make sure your designs are based on user data.”

Correction base on feedback: Price issue

At first, I started to brainstorm solutions by writing down ideas. I came up with a price menu, but it’s not very effective. Then, I came with membership plans. The unique part of our app is collaborating with local colleges so students can search for mentors close to their college.

Final Design


Final Thoughts

The outcome of PeerPath bring me joy. From the initial idea, we push forward to what it’s now. To begin with, we wanted to help others like us who’s struggle in college. This small, little idea bring a whole new concept, creating an app to bring both students and graduates (who’s struggle in finding a job) together. Along the way, we did encounter challenges but we did not stop. We overcome our challenges and difficulties. As a result, we grow as a team and become friends. 👭 We inspire each others and support one another. If we have a chance, in the nearest future, we hope to develop into a laptop interface.

Special Thanks to

Interview: Xiaona Liu and Timothy Duong and everyone who took our survey.